Les Maîtres Ascensionnés nous ont donnés des livres et des textes spirituels qui peuvent nous aider prodondément à nous transformer.
Je recommande tout particulièrement les livres: « MASTER KEYS TO SPIRITUAL FREEDOM » (transmis par Maitreya)
et « MASTER KEYS TO PERSONAL CHRISTHOOD » (transmis par Yeshua ou Jésus). Voici la Table des Matières en français et en anglais.
J'ai enregistré en VIDÉO les sections de ce livre, elles sont toutes ici, et la toute première vidéo de la série est ici en français et ici en anglais.
Dans le livre de Jésus, il y a des exercices spirituels de suggérés, dont entre autre, la lecture des Rosaires de la Nouvelle Ère (des Rosaires écrits par les Maîtres Ascensionnés pour produire des changements profonds dans notre conscience). Il est suggéré d'en prendre un et de le lire une fois par jour pendant un mois, afin de l'approfondir immensément... Il est aussi recommandé chaque jour, d'écrire dans notre journal personnel (après avoir lu ce texte), nos questions, nos passages non compris, nos émerveillements, nos nouvelles prises de conscience, etc...
Kim Michaels est celui qui a reçu la transmission de ces livres et il a donné sur son site le texte des Rosaires. Je peux donc les mettre ici publiquement.
J'invite les gens à traduire en français ces textes, et à m'envoyer par courriel leur traduction, afin que je puisse la mettre ici.
Mon courriel:
P.S. Je recommande vivement aussi les autres livres du Maître Ascensionné Jésus transmis à Kim ainsi que ses koans qui ont été mis en vidéos ici.
La liste des autres livres de Kim (transmis par Jésus): Freedom from Ego Games, Freedom from Ego Dramas, Freedom from Ego Illusions, etc...
The Mystical Teaching of Jesus (Table des Matières au bas de la page) - Climbing Higher on The Mystical Path - Walking the Mystical Path of Jesus
Il y a 5 ans, j'ai traduit un petit texte de 60 pages sur le site de Kim, je vous l'offre ici: Une Introduction aux Vrais Enseignements de Jésus
La liste des 3 livres de Kim (transmis par Mother Mary): Mind over Matter - Expressing Your Love for Life - Your Life's Plan for Abundance
(Si tu n'as pas l'argent pour te procurer ces 3 livres (cette triolgie) de Mère Marie, contacte-moi, j'ai un moyen pour te les offrir gratuitement.)
VOICI LES 17 ROSAIRES (EN ANGLAIS) SUGGÉRÉS DANS LES 17 CHAPITRES OU 17 CLEFS DU LIVRE « MASTER KEYS TO PERSONAL CHRISTHOOD » (le livre de Jésus qui me touche le plus profondément parmi tous ceux que j'ai lus dans ma vie):
À noter: Chaque fois qu'il y a un nom d'Archange ou de Maître Ascensionné de mentionné dans un texte de Rosaire, si vous préférez cela,
vous pouvez remplacer ce nom par: I Am Presence (Présence Je Suis), soit: votre Être Réel (car les Maîtres et les Archanges sont là pour nous aider toujours plus à nous fusionner à notre Être Réel). Comme certains n'ont pas assez confiance en leur Être Réel, ils commencent par développer leur confiance dans un Maître ou un Archange par exemple, et éventuellement, cela se transpose à leur Être Réel !
CLÉ 1: Archangel Michael's Rosary for Overcoming a Spiritual Crisis
My video of this Rosary is here. And my videos of all the parts of the book are here. (No.81)
CLÉ 2: Mother Mary's Rosary of God's Will
J'ai traduit ce Rosaire de la Nouvelle Ère, en français, il y a quelques années, le voici ici.
CLÉ 3: Mother Mary's Rosary for Loving Yourself
CLÉ 4: Archangel Michael's Rosary for Clearing the Heart
CLÉ 5: Mother Mary's Rosary of Miracle Gratitude
CLÉ 6: Mother Mary's Unconditional Love Rosary + Miracle Forgiveness Rosary
CLÉ 7: Mother Mary's Rosary of Miracle Nurturance
CLÉ 8: Mother Mary's Self-Esteem Rosary
CLÉ 9: Mother Mary's Miracle Oneness Rosary
CLÉ 10: Mother Mary's Rosary of All Pervading Wisdom
CLÉ 11: Jesus Rosary for Victory Over Death + Being Rosary
CLÉ 12: Saint Germains's Rosary for Creative Freedom of Will
CLÉ 13: Saint Germains's Rosary for Rising Above the Past
CLÉ 14: Jesus Rosary for Victory Over Death
CLÉ 15: Rosary of Oneness with my I AM Presence
CLÉ 16: Archangel Michael's Rosary of the Eternel Now
CLÉ 17: No Rosary here. Instead... an invitation from Jesus to write your life story !
Voici mes 4 vidéos (à l'été 2016) où je parle de ces livres ou ces textes, et en partie aussi, des Rosaires de la Nouvelle Ère...
Vidéo dans le parc: Le Voyage de Retour
Vidéo dans le parc: Un Mini-Exorcisme (grâce à un exercice spirituel intense)
Vidéo dans le parc: Les Clefs Maîtresses pour la Christification personnelle
Vidéo dans le parc: Les Clefs Maîtresses de la Liberté spirituelle
Le texte sous chacune des vidéos donne davantage d'informations.
Chaque jour, je relis x pages de « MASTER KEYS TO PERSONAL CHRISTHOOD » et je relis un texte de Rosaire de la Nouvelle Ère
et je sens ma Conscience qui intègre constamment de nouveaux éléments et mon Coeur qui ressent toujours plus la Présence Divine.
C'est toujours étonnant, surprenant, émerveillant, de découvrir à quel point la relecture d'un texte aussi riche me fait constamment découvrir de nouvelles choses qu'il m'avait été impossible de comprendre, de saisir, d'intégrer, lors de ma lecture précédente du même passage, parce que je n'avais pas encore suffisamment assimilé d'autres éléments qui devaient l'être, avant de pouvoir passer à un niveau d'intégration plus profond et plus grand.
J'invite ceux et celles qui le souhaitent à venir discuter de leur expérience avec ces puissants outils d'éveil dans mes rencontres gratuites du Vendredi.
En août 2017, j'ai relu ce très beau livre de Jésus:
Kim Michaels
Ce livre a été édité en premier lieu en 2003 sous le titre:
THE CHRIST IS BORN IN YOU, Wisdom Teachings from Jesus
Et au verso du livre il était écrit ceci:
Imagine that your current beliefs about Jesus were incomplete -
would you want to know ?
Do you believe Jesus ascended to Heaven ? If he did, he must
be alive today as a spiritual being who is beyond human limitations.
Therefore, Jesus can easily communicate with us - the only question
is whether we are willing to hear what he has to say.
When Jesus walked the Earth 2000 years ago, many people
rejected his teachings because they did not want to look
beyond the box ot their orthodox doctrines or human expectations.
Will the religious people of today, especially Christians,
be willing to hear what Jesus has to say in this age ?
In this unique book Jesus speaks through a human messenger
and gives a new spiritual teaching that is as transforming
as his original teaching. He explains the challenges
that spiritual people face today and how you can use
his inner teachings to "let this mind be in you, which
was also in Christ Jesus".
If you have been disappointed by orthodox Christianity
or feel like Jesus is obsolete in a modern age, this book
will show you the real Jesus. In reality, Jesus is not an idol
to worship but an example to follow. If you feel like something
is missing from your spiritual life, you will find it in this book.
Ce livre a été ré-édité en 2013, sous le titre:
Et au verso de cette nouvelle édition, il est écrit ceci:
The teachings in this book have helped hundreds of thousands
of people gain a deeper appreciation for Jesus's teachings about
the mystical path that he taught 2000 years ago ant that he still
teaches today - for those who are able to make an inner connection
with him.
TODAY MANY PEOPLE CANNOT find a lasting heart connection
to the real Jesus and his teachings because, according to most Christian
churches, Jesus no longer talks to us. In reality, Jesus is a spiritual being
and he is working to help all people who are able to raise their consciousness
and attune to his Presence. For the past 2000 years he has maintained
a line of communication through those who have been willing to serve
as messengers for his Living Word and who have pursued an understanding
of his true message instead of settling for official Christian doctrines.
In this book, the ascended Jesus reveals the mystical teachings
that he gave to his most advanced disciples. He explains why
his true teachings are as relevant today as they were two millennia ago
and how you can develop a personal relationship with him - one of the most
remarkable spiritual teachers of all time.
Once you admit that mainstream religious traditions have note answered
your questions about life, it is truly liberating to read the deep and meaningful
answers in his book. Encouraging, moving and profound, this enlightening book
will help you attain inner attunement with Jesus, even mystical union with him.
You will learn how to:
- recognize the silent, inner voice of Christ in your heart
- achieve permanent inner peace and happiness by getting
connected with the Christ Consciousness
- heal yourself from emotional wounds
- get guidance from Jesus, who is your greatest teacher and friend
- communicate directly with Jesus
Introduction .................................................................................. 3
1) You Know My Voice ................................................................ 13
2) Progressive Revelation .......................................................... 29
3) Attaining Christ Consciousness ........................................... 37
4) Why Is There Religion in the World ? ................................... 49
5) The True Key to Salvation ...................................................... 67
6) The Problem on Planet Earth ................................................. 81
7) Understanding Christ Consciousness .................................. 97
8) Was Jesus Christ the Only Son of God ? ............................ 121
9) What Kind of Person is Jesus ? ........................................... 137
10) Which Religion Did Jesus Follow ? ................................... 145
11) Is There only One True Religion ? ...................................... 151
12) Is Jesus all Alone in Heaven ? ............................................ 157
13) Jesus and Reincarnation ..................................................... 163
14) Did Jesus Remove the Sins of the World ? ........................ 179
15) Is the Bible the Word of God ............................................... 185
16) Is God an Angry and Judgmental God ? ............................ 195
17) The Question of Evil ............................................................. 211
18) What about Modern Christianity ? ...................................... 231
19) How To Attain Christhood ................................................... 243
20) Going Within ......................................................................... 247
21) Healing Yourself ................................................................... 261
22) Techniques for Attaining Christhood ................................. 287
23) The Second Coming of Christ ............................................ 323
24) What You Can Do for Jesus ................................................ 331
About the Author ....................................................................... 342
Les 2 autres livres dictés par Jésus à Kim
suite à ce livre sont les suivants:
Je les recommande vivement également !
Chaque livre en ebook (format Epub) est vendu environ 4 euros:
Et dans le format sur papier, l'ensemble des 3 livres est disponible
au coût de 33 euros (ou environ 15 euros pour chaque livre):
Si tu n'as pas l'argent pour te les procurer actuellement,
contacte-moi par courriel, j'ai une solution pour toi:
Voici l'Introduction de ce livre, écrite par Kim Michaels:
Pages 3 à 9
Let me briefly explain how this book came about. My parents were not religious people and I was never given what some would call a Christian upbringing. I always had an intuitive sense that Jesus was and is indeed a very significant figure. The only problem was that I could not reconcile my inner sense of Jesus' importance with the outer teachings and actions of Christianity.
During elementary school I learned about "Bible History", which was focused on the Old Testament. I intuitively sensed that there was a discrepancy between the angry and judgmental God of the Jews and the God I knew in my heart. Later, I learned in history class about the Crusades, the Inquisition and the witch hunts. I knew that such violent actions simply could not be in accordance with the true teachings of Christ, and it left me a desire to understand how a religion that was based on the teachings of Jesus could turn so violent.
I received no answer to these questions until I was 18 and experienced a process that dramatically changed my view of both Jesus and Christianity. It started when I read that in the year 553 the concept of reincarnation had been removed from Christianity for political reasons. I felt a sens of indignation over the fact that a concept that might have been familiar to Jesus himself was later removed from the religion that claims to represent him. This started me on a quest that helped me see that many of Jesus' original teachings and intentions have indeed been changed, removed, misinterpreted or even replaced by doctrines that are in almost direct opposition to what Jesus taught.
During the following 20 years I continued to increase my understanding of a shocking fact, namely that there is a very large discrepancy between what Jesus originally taught and the image of Jesus and his teachings that has been handed down by official Christianity for almost 2000 years. Obviously, this process took me along time, and I am not expecting anyone to accept my conclusion just because I state it here. However, for those who are open, there are numerous books and websites that talk about this, and I think those who study this material will eventually reach the conclusion that our modern image of Jesus is out of touch with the original.
It was very important for me to realize that there was a difference between my intuitive sense of what Jesus taught and the official image. This opened up a very healing perspective, namely that when the official image contradicted my inner feeling, it might indeed be the official image that was out of touch with reality. To me, this is the difference between those who might benefit from this book and those who will reject it without giving it a closer look.
In today's world, many people have a strong intuitive sense of spiritual principles and many have indeed been disappointed by official Christianity. Many spiritually minded people have rejected Christianity and have consequently rejected Jesus as well - for how do you separate Christ from Christianity ? What dawned on me was that Jesus is too significant of a figure in the spiritual life on earth for me to reject him based on a man-made religion. I realized that I could not let the doctrines and actions of Christian churches stand between me and Jesus. I wanted to know Jesus as he really is, not as he has been portrayed by an organization that was too often guided by political motives and expediency.
As Jesus himself said: "ask, and ye shall receive". When I started asking for answers, I found material that helped me gain a deeper understanding of and appreciation for the timeless teachings of Christ. This helped me answer what was for me the greatest question about Jesus, namely why he had suddenly disappeared from the earth 2000 years ago. I had no problem accepting that Jesus had ascended to the spiritual realm and was still alive there as a spiritual being. Yet why wouldn't he seek to guide us from that position, especially given that he himself had made the promise that he would be with us always ? I simply couldn't see Jesus being with us in the official churches so how did he intend to fulfill this promise ?
I gradually came to understand that Jesus is indeed with us today and that he has attempted to give us guidance many times over the past 2000 years. I also saw that because Jesus is now an ascended being, this guidance must be given according to the overall law that determines life on earth, namely the Law of Free Will. The earth is a kind of experience machine in which we human beings are allowed to have certain experiences until we tire of them and decide that we want more. One of the experiences that earth is designed to give us is that we live in a material universe where we are separated from God or where there is no God.
This means that it is completely unrealistic, as some Christians believe, to think that Jesus will soon appear in a second coming that will give undeniable proof. In reality, no undeniable proof can ever be given, as demonstrated by the fact that there were people who rejected Jesus when he walked among them in a physical body. The over-arching law for earth is that plausible deniability must be maintained so that it is always possible for people to deny the existence of the spiritual realm or any guidance or messages coming from that realm.
Jesus has indeed been giving us guidance over the past 2000 years but it has happened either as a personal inner guidance or it has happened through individual people who served as messengers or "open doors" for his teachings. Jesus will never appear in the sky and give undeniable proof, but he does indeed continually appear through individual people who are open to serving as a bridge for bringing forth teaching in some form or another. The beauty of this scheme is that Jesus can give teachings from his present level of awareness, but because they come through a human being, it is easy for people to find fault with the messenger and use that as an excuse for rejecting the message.
I gradually found various teachings that according to my intuitive discernment seemed to have come directly from a higher realm. By studying such teachings, I continued to expand my understanding of Jesus' inner, mystical teachings, but it never occurred to me that I might become one of these messengers.
That changed in 2002 when I went through a life-changing process. I discovered the spiritual side to life when I was 18 and from then on my life had revolved around the quest for raising my consciousness. A big part of this had been my desire to help transform this planet and bring it closer to a state where some of the atrocities we see have been left behind. It was deeply affected by learning about the Holocaust, war and other shocking forms of evil and I felt a strong desire to help raise the earth to the point where these phenomena could nos longer take place here.
Over many years, I had attempted to help raise the collective consciousness by performing spiritual exercises and by raising my consciousness. In 2002 I came to a point where I recognized that I was not making a difference and I felt a growing sens of frustration. One day I intuitively saw that my frustration was caused by the fact that my spiritual quest had in large part been driven by en ego-based desire to make a difference and do something significant.
After meditating on this for some time, I came to a point where I saw the futility of this. I spontaneously fell to my knees and said out loud: "God, you can take me home right now". At that moment, I felt like I literally gave up all of my human ambitions, expectations and desires and I had nothing left. I was empty. I felt that if I had died at that moment, I could leave behind planet earth with complete peace. There was nothing I wanted to do and nothing I had to do on this planet. I could leave it behind for good, even if it meant I had never done anything of any significance.
I felt as if a giant weight had been lifted from me, and I sensed I was ready to move on. I then felt that a spiritual being approached me, and I became aware that this was the Presence of the ascended being we call Jesus. He sent me an impulse that in my mind became translated to the words: "If you don't have anything you personally want to do on this planet, would you be willing to do something for me ?" I felt that from the very core of my being came forth the word: "YES !"
During the following months, Jesus was guiding me through a very intense inner process of looking at and transcending many of the illusions I still had about him, about myself and about how I might serve him here on earth. I was gradually given the vision that Jesus wanted me to create a website where people could submit questions and then he would answer them by dictating the answers through me. This eventually became the website and it has now been up and running since December 24th, 2002. It has...
... had millions of visits and hundreds of questions have been answered by both Jesus and other ascended beings. Recently, the questions and answers have been removed to another website, and the Jesus website has been focused on helping people claim their highest spiritual potential, namely personal Christhood. The deeper reality about Jesus' mission on earth is that he came to serve as an example that all of us can follow.
During the process of receiving my training to do the website, I one day received the impulse that Jesus wanted to dictate a book through me. I then sat down at my computer, turned on my voice recognition software and started talking, having absolutely no idea what would be said. Over the following nine days I received all of the material in this book. It literally started with chapter one and went all the way through and I hardly had to make any changes. This book contains all of that original material, but in the section on spiritual exercises certain changes have been made because I have now received a very large amount of spiritual exercises.
This book is part of a process called "progressive revelation" in which our spiritual teachers seek to give us teachings adapted to our growth in consciousness. Humankind as a whole has grown in consciousness since the time of Jesus, and many people are ready for a more advanced teaching than he could give 2000 years ago. In fact, many people are now ready for the teachings that Jesus could only give to his disciples back then, whereas he taught the multitudes in parables.
Again, this teaching is given in accordance with the Law of Free Will, which means it must be easy to deny the teachings. Since the book was first published in 2003, with the title The Christ Is Born in You, many people have denounced it and used various arguments for why this could not possibly be the real Jesus. This is as it should be. Yet many more have found the book inspirational and first of all healing.
Many spiritually inclined people have found that the book helped them overcome the wounds they had received as a result of being exposed to official Christianity and its self-assured claim that its doctrines and dogmas should always over-ride our intuitive knowing. May this book also help you make peace with Jesus and discover how much more there is to Jesus as a spiritual teacher than what you might have been told in Sunday School.
La suite... le Chapitre 1, je la dactylographie doucement, au rythme d'une page par jour, que je peux envoyer par courriel, à ceux et celles qui me disent qu'ils sont intéressés à recevoir les pages de ce très beau livre.
